GTA 2023 Season

Monday, 27 February 2023 23:37 Bob Zickefoose

The 2023 season begins on May 4th! Membership badges will be available that day for returning members who have renewed. In person registration will also be available that day for both returning and new members. Interested in becoming a new member? Please see below.

The Event Calendar has been updated for the 2023 season, should you be interested. All currently scheduled matches, meetings, and events have been posted there. Check back on occasion for updates as we get further into the year. As we have done in the past, match details and registration links will be posted as they are made available, typically two weeks before a given match.

If you have a question about the season or just about GTA in general, reach out to us via the "Contact Us" tab.


New Members

Prospective members must have a sponsor when applying for membership. Application is done in person and yearly dues are paid at the time the application is submitted. Once the application is approved, prospective members are placed on a probationary period before being granted full membership status.

The probationary period includes a four-event-to-membership requirement. A prospective member must spend a total of four events with different GTA members (which can include their sponsor). At least one of these events must be a match activity hosted by GTA. The main purpose of this requirement is to familiarize the prospective member with the Club's rules and facilities and to help them meet and get to know other GTA members.

During the probationary period, the prospective member must be chaperoned by a GTA member to participate in any shooting activities. At the end of each event, be it a match or just a typical Club night, the GTA member acting as a mentor will initial and date the prospective member's badge, so long as they find that the prospective member's behavior and demeanor demonstrate a suitable commitment to safety. After receiving four endorsements, the Board will review the prospective member's application and either approve membership or, if necessary, require additional mentoring. Additionally, after being granted full membership, a new member cannot sponsor other prospective members during their first year.

GTA has never been about recruiting top elite shooters.  We are about ensuring everyone contributes to a safe and fun shooting sports environment and that GTA can continue to provide this venue for the shooting community. We like to give the novice shooters a place to learn many skills. Many move on to other venue, once they learn how the shooting world works.

Last Updated on Thursday, 18 May 2023 19:01